Anti-Discrimination &
Anti-Harassment Policy
The mission of Lumberton Christian Care Center (LCCC) is to be a support agency for those in need by providing nutritional meals and assisting shelter applicants to obtain supportive resources for behavioral health treatment, medical treatment, job searches and a return to permanent housing. To this end, and as a small agency with limited resources, we apply our meal and shelter policies and procedures to every client equally. Our shelter operates on a first come, first served, basis and in accordance with state and federal requirements. Lumberton Christian Care Center’s lunch program is open to all with no requirements other than to follow the rules of civility. As members of a diverse community, we recognize, respect, foster and practice the core values of diversity, inclusion and equity in the makeup of our staff, board of directors, volunteers and clients. LCCC is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. We understand that empowerment requires a level “playing field,” as well as equal opportunity, welcome and acceptance. We believe in the value of every human being and the gifts they provide to our community.
LCCC’s Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment policy aims to address and prevent antagonistic and provocative situations that would violate the dignity of anyone involved in the work and/or service of LCCC, including shelter clients and lunch guests. The policy pertains to single or repeated incidents of:
other undesirable, verbal, non-verbal, online, or physical conduct
toward one person or a group of people. Lumberton Christian Care Center is an “equal opportunity employer.” LCCC will not discriminate or tolerate harassment and will take measures to ensure against discrimination and harassment based on:
national or ethnic origin
sexual orientation
social or economic class
Reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination and harassment is encouraged. It is the policy of LCCC to take all complaints seriously, treating the offended party with respect while promptly and thoroughly investigating such reports. LCCC will take corrective actions regarding any “discrimination or reduction of rights” aimed toward members of the above protected classes and any that arise against an employee or job applicant regarding the steps and conditions of employment. Any board member, volunteer or employee engaging in improper discriminatory or harassing behavior will be subject to disciplinary action, including the possible termination of employment, board membership or volunteer status. Disciplinary action will also be taken regarding anyone retaliating against any individual who reports discrimination or harassment or participates in an investigation of such reports.
Discrimination and sexual harassment are illegal under federal, state and local laws. Sexual harassment is defined as:
·unwelcome sexual advances
·requests of sexual favors
·sexual jokes/pictures/objects
·sexual innuendos
·sexual comments
·inappropriate or unwanted touching
·sexual gestures
·verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature
LCCC encourages the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid and constructive action can be taken before relationships become irreparably strained. Early reporting and intervention have proven to be the most effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents. Once the report has been made to a supervisor, Administrative Committee chair or Director, and before a formal complaint is initiated, many complaints can be handled informally by the parties involved. The offended party may be given the choice to speak directly to the offender and tell the person to stop the abuse immediately or face a formal accusation and investigation. If the complainant is satisfied with the results of such action, the supervisor, Administrative Committee chair or Director to whom the complainant reported will write a brief summary of the complaint and action taken, and the report will be placed in both the offender’s and complainant’s personnel files. If the person chooses not to speak to the offender, or the face-to-face demand does not stop the harassment, the complainant should follow through with a formal complaint. All formal complaints are to be written on the LCCC complaint form by the complainant and given to the Administrative Committee chair or the Director. Complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible by the Administrative Committee or the Director. A thorough and objective investigation, including interviews with the parties involved and any witnesses, will be initiated promptly. Details of the complaint will be collected, documented and validated with any evidence. A factual report will be prepared in writing by the investigating person/s. Remedial action will be taken when necessary and according to the circumstances, and a full report placed in the offender’s personnel file.
Complaint forms will be available through the Administrative Committee or the Director or by completing this form which can be emailed to lumbertonchristiancare@gmail.com.